Rabu, 09 Januari 2013

Fitur-fitur cPanel

Control Panel merupakan salah satu kunci sukses meraih pelanggan, dengan fitur yang lengkap dipadu dengan tampilan dan pengaturan menu yang mudah membuat customer kami sangat mudah dalam mengelola account hosting mereka, berikut fitur-fitur yang tersedia pada control panel untuk level User dan Reseller :

E-Mail Menu.
 Users can create POP3 accounts, catch-all e-mail addresses, forwarders, mailing lists, autoresponders, and webmail.  Filters allow users to block mail by domain, keyword, and size.  Adult Filter is also available.
FTP Menu. 
Users can create FTP accounts and set directory permissions for each account.  Anonymous FTP is also supported.
DNS Menu. 
Users can can add and remove records, change MX settings, and anything else that goes with full DNS control.
Statistics Menu.
 Users have available every possible statistic about their account.  More advanced options and Webalizer are also included.
FrontPage Extensions. 
Users can enable or disable Microsoft FrontPage Extensions at any time with the click of a button.
Subdomains Menu
Users can list, create, delete, and get statistics on subdomains.

File Manager. 
A user-friendly and fast alternative to FTP.  Includes every feature needed to build and maintain a web site.
MySQL Databases. 
Users can easily create, modify, and delete MySQL databases from this menu.
Site Backup. 
Using this powerful tool, users can backup and restore only what they want to.  For example, account data but not web site files.
Error Pages.
 Users can create custom messages and outputs for 401, 403, 404, and 500 error codes.
Directory Password Protection.
Users can password protect any directory with a username and password.
Advanced Tools. 
Users can install SSL certificates, view sever information and installed perl modules, set cron jobs, mime types, and apache handlers, and enable site redirection and domain pointers.

Create / List / Modify Accounts.
Account creation, listing, modification, and deletion is done quickly and easily.
User Packages.
 Resellers can create predefined account packages using this feature.  When creating an account, the reseller simply chooses a package instead of manually setting each account feature.
Reseller Statistics. 
Resellers are provided with a complete overview of their total usage.  Resellers may also sort data by users to quickly assess the overall situation.
Message All Users. 
Resellers can quickly send a message to all their customers by using Control Panel Manager built in ticket support system.
Import / Manage Skins. 
With this menu option, resellers can quickly import and apply new skins with the click of a button.
IP Assignment. 
Resellers can allocate IP address to their customers by using this menu option.
System / Services Information. 
By clicking this feature, resellers have instant access to server status and system information.
Name Servers. 
Resellers can create personalized nameservers for their customers from this menu.

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